Publication by AFA of a guide on good practices relating to the governance and fundraising process for public utility associations and foundations


Publication by AFA of a guide on good practices relating to the governance and fundraising process for public utility associations and foundations

On January 31, 2022, the French Anti-Corruption Agency (“AFA”) published a guide giving good practices (French version only) to be implemented in order to control the risks of breach of probity for associations and foundations recognized as being of public utility (“ARUP and FRUP”).

This guide aims to raise awareness among the managers of ARUP and FRUP on the existing dangers and to help them design or update their anti-corruption program. By means of examples of risky situations and scenarios, it presents solutions and suggests good practices, based on the following two themes:

  • Governance (sheet n°1);
  • The process of prospecting, collecting and settling donations (sheet n°2).

Several appendices recall the general principles of criminal liability for non-profit organizations and detail the existing offences, such as corruption, favouritism or illegal conflict of interest.

This guide is intended for all non-profit organizations, although only ARUP and FRUP are subject to AFA control.

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